Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy chinese new year


johnny said...

that's sooooo MOMO style.
happy new year!

shin said...

sooo cute!
me like!
Happy New Year~~

jasypants said...

kewlllll. it's simple yet so nice ^^

Eric said...

momo, i've been thinking about the question you asked us during Wave. what is love?

here's my answer:
love is knowing the imperfect me can still help Him.
love is weeping for a person deep into the night.
love is serious. love is sweet. love is natural.
we can choose to stop loving.
but it wasn't a choice for us to have love.
we are born with it. aren't we born again?
love is God. i want to love God. i want to love love.

so i leave you with one question?
Do you love me?
when you see a person passing in the hallways or someone on TV. imagine that person saying these words to you. "Do you love me?"

+J Lin's Journey to Heaven+ said...

soon it is time to eat some soup circle. write more!

Alice in Wonderland said...

hi peach (momo) girl!!!

you must be busy with lots of art work to crank out, lots of ideas and designs to think about, people to take care of (cough*new friends*cough), and everything else in life

remember to take care of your body, eat healthy, drink lots of water, and rest in the Lord

can you believe it? it's been three months since 2008 started, makes me think about what we have done so far for this year's vision "kingdom inheritance".....>.<